Contact Information for LCSR Staff

Many LCSR staff are working at home, but we'd like to be as responsive as when we are in the office. This page contains contact information for the staff who are most likely to work with faculty and staff. Hardware / networking staff will remain on site as long as State and University rules allow it.

We request that you use electronic contact even for staff who are currently in the office, in order to minimize risk for everyone.

Please use email for situations where you don't need to talk with someone. The official email address is, or you can contact staff directly if you know the right person.

Tim Hayes

Charles Hedrick

Hanz Makmur

Note: To reduce spam calls, I don't answer calls unless the caller is in my addressbook. Before using WebEx, Skype or Calling on the phone, alert me via WhatsApp/iMessage/Text message.

Doug Motto


Webex video conferencing

Douglas Motto's Personal Room | 790134116

Join by video system
Dial and enter your host PIN .
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-650-429-3300 USA Toll
Access code: 790 134 116

Rob Toth

Note: To reduce spam calls, I don't answer calls unless the caller is in my Contacts list. Please alert me via text message before using WebEx, Skype, or direct calling.